Monday, March 3, 2014

Snow (Ice) Day!

We got a big dose of ice here in the metro area last night, so no school for the kids today (or tomorrow). Dad was out today too, since the college wisely shuttered the campus.  I'm always off on Mondays, which throws my mojo out the window, but it's been a lazy day at home. I watched Dallas Buyers Club and last nights episode of True Detective and attempted a nap.  And I cooked - always have to cook on a snow day!

Meal planning?  Well, I try.  This time of year is so difficult.  We have something almost every night. 

This week -
Monday - I made chicken and dumplings, cornbread and lemon icebox pie since we were all home
Tuesday - we are all scheduled to be home again, so I think I will make salmon patties (a fave around here), roasted potatoes, and some sort of veggie
Wednesday - the kids eat at Awana, I usually don't eat, and J usually fends for himself.
Thursday - crazy day - soccer, a meeting for me, and an uncertain schedule for J.  Probably will do something on the run or sandwiches for the car.  Who knows.
Friday - L has a birthday sleepover, so H and J and I might grab pizza or something.  I don't cook on Fridays
Saturday - we have a wedding (whole family in attendance) at 5p, so we will take our chances on eating at the reception.

I hate how hectic our schedule is, but it does slow down (sort of) by early May. We like to eat pretty clean and very local but are not always successful when life is crazy.  I just do the best I can at the moment and try not to beat myself up about it...