Thursday, February 27, 2014

Surely you aren't interested...

I can't imagine that anyone else loves to hear about mundane everyday life, but I love to read details about other bloggers' lives.  I thought maybe I would share about my days...they are never the same twice in a row, but my morning routine is consistently inconsistent!

My alarm is set for 6am, 7 days a week.  It is rare for the alarm to actually wake me, however.  We have an elderly dog who needs to go out most days by 5:15, so I generally wake to her complaints and lay there for a few minutes to see if she is going to hush or not.  Mainly not.  I get up, let both dogs out, turn on the Keurig and usually restart the dryer from the night before.  Let the dogs in, make my coffee and read on the internet until 6:30am or so.  Sometimes I empty the dishwasher (if I remember to run it the night before) and set out the lunch boxes, but sometimes I am just lazy.  Usually H is up by 6:30, so I chat with him a minute, fold some laundry and try to get in the shower by 6:45...we really kick it into high gear at 7.  Breakfast for the kids, husband up and in the shower, everyone getting dressed, packing backpacks, lunches, gym bags.  Husband leaves around 7:30 and I finish getting myself dressed and ready.  I work three days a week, but on the other two, I still get dressed.  On my work days, we leave by 8am...drop the kids at my parents and I head to work.  Their schools start at 9, so my parents take them for me (such a blessing).  On my non-work days, we leave the house at 8:15, drop H for breakfast at his school and head to the middle school car line.  Late start schools have some advantages, but it's not an easy schedule for working parents. 

Today is a work day, so I better finish up and hit the shower.  Although, my space heater and coffee cup are so very tempting...

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