Monday, April 7, 2014

Mealtime Monday

So, on Mondays, I want to post what I am "planning" to cook during the week.  I used quotes because our plans change with very little notice all the time.  I do buy the ingredients for all of these meals on the weekend so I can cook if able.  If I'm not able, I just shift that recipe to the next week and put the meat in the freezer, if needed.

I'm going to post this past weekend today, too.  I will link to recipes if possible.  Maybe soon I will start putting my own recipes in my posts!

Saturday - I made a yummy egg and ham and asparagus casserole.  Mother came and ate with us.

Sunday - Kids and I ate out after lunch and then they at dinner (meatball subs) at church. I ate...well, you don't even want to know.  Nothing nutritious. I eat terribly when I'm flying solo.
Monday - (normally we have soccer AND volleyball tonight, but soccer got rained out so we had more time) tonight we had these chicken drumsticks, as recommended by Mary at Owlhaven... I made slaw to go with and the kids also had applesauce

Tuesday - Crock Pot Beef Roast and Kentucky Spoonbread (basically a corn pudding).  I will cook veggies with the roast and probably make some rolls or biscuits.

Wednesday - the kids eat at their Awana clubs at church.  Sometimes I eat at church and sometimes I just eat some cereal when we get home.

Thursday - (this is a soccer AND volleyball night and I work all day and then visit my dad before I get the kids from school - no dinner prep time unless I use the crock pot) This will probably be a mac n cheese (Annie's from the box) and chicken sausages kind of night.  Maybe even sandwiches.

Friday - the kids are going with Mother to a race so MAYBE J and I will catch dinner out together.  Or maybe we will order in sushi.  Either way, I'm NOT cooking.

Saturday - (man, we eat out a lot!) We are supposed to go to a dinner that night with some friends, but J has an event at the college, so I'm not sure that will happen.  If not, we will probably make homemade pizzas!

For breakfasts, the kids will eat cereal, oatmeal, biscuits, or eggs and toast. Their lunches consist of sandwiches or leftovers, plus fruit and other goodies.  My lunch is usually nothing or a frozen meal(I know, so bad and sodium laden) and J either eats out or at the college cafeteria.  Neither J nor I really ever eat much for breakfast.

So, what's on your menu?

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